Second City Cigars (Previously Don Rafa Cigars) traces its roots back to a rich history steeped in the passion for crafting exceptional cigars. The story begins with Rafael “Don Rafa” Jaca, a skilled tobacco artisan who’s love for the art of cigar-making ignited the inception of this distinguished brand. In the early 1990’s , Don Rafa fueled by a desire to create cigars that would stand out for their quality and unique flavor profiles.With meticulous attention to detail and unwavering commitment to excellence he handpicked the finest tobacco leaves ensuring each met his stringent standards. The brand has now grown including Havana Especial and Cuban Imports to the family of cigars now offered.The brands portfolio showcases a diverse range of flavors and blends each separating itself from the rest.
Our flavored cigars are expertly crafted to blend the rich tradition of cigar-making with innovative flavor profiles that tantalize the senses. Handcrafted in Nicaragua, each cigar is rolled with the finest Nicaraguan tobacco, carefully selected and infused with unique flavors that enhance the natural essence of the leaf.
From the sweet notes of vanilla and chocolate to the zesty hints of citrus and spice, our diverse selection of over 18 flavors is designed to elevate your smoking experience. Satisfaction is guaranteed, ensuring you'll always find a cigar that tantalizes your taste buds.
Discover the passion behind Don Rafa Flavored Cigars and indulge in a moment of relaxation and enjoyment.
With its vintage Cuban-inspired liga and elegantly crafted cabinet-style box, the Havana Especial truly embodies the essence of classic Cuban cigars. This exquisite creation not only looks the part but also delivers an exceptional smoking experience, thanks to its remarkable blend of tobaccos.
Havana Especial pays tribute to the legendary cigars of yesteryear, drawing inspiration from the rich heritage of Cuban craftsmanship. The foundation of this masterpiece is built upon premium Cuban-seed tobacco cultivated in the fertile soils of Nicaragua, where it undergoes meticulous aging to achieve its optimal flavor profile.
Upon lighting, smokers are greeted with a symphony of crisp, clean notes that dance on the palate—spicy undertones harmonize beautifully with the warm, earthy essence of cedar, while hints of creamy richness and roasted nuts create a well-rounded, satisfying experience.
Cuban Imports Natural takes its inspiration from our acclaimed premium cigars, Havana Especial, offering a unique smoking experience that pays homage to the rich traditions of Cuban craftsmanship. These cigars are expertly crafted in Nicaragua using high-quality short-filler Cuban Seed tobacco, which brings a delightful depth of flavor to every draw.
The blend features a harmonious combination of earthy and sweet notes, ensuring a smooth and satisfying smoke that is perfect for any time of day. Whether you're unwinding after a long day or enjoying a moment of relaxation with friends, Cuban Imports Natural is sure to become a staple in your collection. Indulge in the rich heritage of cigar making with each puff, and discover why these cigars are destined to be one of your daily favorites.
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